Roche has announced that the head of its pharmaceutical division has decided to leave after 16 years
Bill Anderson, a former head of Roche’s Genentech division, will step down at the end of the year “to pursue opportunities outside the company” and a successor should be named by March 2023, Roche said in a statement.
“Anderson’s departure as head of Roche’s largest business means more fundamental management changes for appointed CEO Thomas Schinecker, head of diagnostics at Roche, who is due to be named group CEO in March. He will replace CEO Severin Schwan, who has led a successful multi-year diversification campaign to move away from Roche’s traditional focus on cancer.”- writes Reuters.
Anderson joined California-based Genentech in 2006 as senior vice president of the immunology and ophthalmology business unit and later led the bio-oncology business unit. He has been the CEO of Roche’s pharmaceutical business since 2019.