As part of improving the knowledge and skills of private medical institutions, the executor of which is the Ministry of Health of the “Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Azerbaijan Republic for 2022-2026”, approved by Resolution of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic No. 3378 dated July 22, 2022, on October 27, 2023 at the Analytical Expertise Center held the next seminar with the staff of private medical institutions on the topics: “Drawing up regulations in private medical institutions”, “Drafting medical documents in private medical institutions”, “Drafting and presenting statistical medical reports”.
In the training, it was talked about the necessity of medical documentation, its importance in the management of health care and the planning of activities to protect the health of the population. Also, information was given on the main groups of medical documentation, its purpose and importance, as well as the preparation of legal normative acts and statistical reports and the organization of its control.