On November 13-15, 2023, the conference “Registration of Medicines and Regulatory Practice – RegLek 2023” was held in Moscow. The conference was attended by representatives of various regulatory bodies from the CIS countries – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, from the countries of South America, Cuba, Dominican Republic and Ecuador. The conference was organized to study innovations in the medicine registration process, as well as the production activities of local factories.
On the first day of the conference, speakers included the General Director of the Scientific Expertise Center of Medicinal Products of MOH of the Russian Federation and representatives of a number of pharmaceutical companies. After the theoretical part of the conference, an on-site acquaintance with the activities of some manufacturing companies took place. Presentations were shown on the best-selling products and products ready for export in the near future. An overview of the production area was also carried out and the production process was demonstrated by company specialists. Then an acquaintance took place with the Research and Development Center, which is capable of managing the full development cycle of any biological drug from the creation of a molecule to the start of industrial production. A tour of the laboratory and production area was organized here, with presentations by specialists.
After visiting the production areas, round table discussions were held with representatives of foreign regulatory agencies, expert organizations and the pharmaceutical industry. During the discussions, proposals were assessed such as simplifying the registration process between the CIS countries and South America on issues of medicine registration and regulatory practice, creating a unified system for data transfer and expert discussion.
It should be noted that Azerbaijan was represented at the conference by the head of the department of Registration and Expertise of Medicines of AEC, Hamid Gurbanov, and a specialist from this department, Sevinj Aliyeva.