According to Article 14-1.1 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Medicines”, prescription of biologically active food products (BAFS) is strictly prohibited. Also, according to Article 14-1.3 of the same Law, wherever the trademark name is written on the biologically active food supplements and in the instructions for use (inserts), writing the words below the trademark name in the same size and font on a white background in black, clear, prominent, bold and “NOT A MEDICINE!” printed indelibly in large letters is mandatory.
In order to comply with the requirements of the legislation in the above-mentioned field and to eliminate the factors that may cause negative situations, in order to prevent the writing of biologically active food products in the prescriptions issued by medical personnel who have the right to write prescriptions in private medical institutions, within the powers of the Analytical Expertise Center, educational, preventive and legally defined administrative measures are supposed to be taken.
We would like to inform you that in connection with the transition to the electronic prescription system, during scheduled and unscheduled inspections in private medical institutions and pharmacy organizations, the prescriptions written by the medical personnel who have the right to write prescriptions in those institutions, as well as for the detection of cases of BAFS sales on the basis of such mentioned prescriptions control will be strengthened.