By the decision of the General Assembly of the International Civil Defense Organization in 1972, March 1 is celebrated in all participating countries as World Civil Defense Day.
Currently, the international civil defense organization includes more than 100 countries around the world. The goal in countries covered by the international civil defense organization is to generalize and disseminate experience in the field of protecting civilians, train and improve civil defense personnel, as well as organize interstate mutual assistance in case of natural disasters and major accidents.
Over the years, the International Civil Defense Organization has organized international conferences in a number of major cities around the world, as well as exhibitions of civil defense equipment, and conducted a number of international seminars on the organization of civil defense, civil defense medical services, and radiological protection.
Azerbaijan was accepted as a member of this influential humanitarian organization in 1993 and takes an active part in all ongoing events. In order to legally ensure the protection of the population and territory, national leader Heydar Aliyev approved the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Civil Defense” on December 30, 1997. The leader’s signing of the decree on April 18, 1998 on the entry into force of the law reflects the importance of this day in Azerbaijan.
At the Analytical Expertise Center of the Ministry of Health, as every year, today, March 1, celebrates Civil Defense Day. The meeting was opened by the General Director of AEC, Murad Suleymanov, with an opening speech. Then Deputy General Director Rafik Khudayev made a report and gave general information on the topic. A report on the work done in these areas was also heard.